We’re test-launching our new Eureka Research Platform with a fake study called Sputnik. Feel free to join, enter fake data, get randomized to a fake intervention, and give us feedback! We’ll delete your data after a testing period.
To help us launch research studies from across the country, all you need to do is participate in our fake study and let us know about your experience. Whether on a phone, tablet, or laptop, we want to make this as easy as possible, from wherever you are and at your own pace.
We will only use your data to test how our system can store the information and export it into reports. We will delete your data after the testing period.
Our internal team can only go so far. With your help, we can see how our system works for different users, on different devices, and in all types of scenarios!
"I want to help prevent people from losing their loved ones. The more we know about heart disease, the less that will happen."